What Happened To Alan Alda?

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Errr.... Who?

'Hawkeye' from the tv show 'MASH'

This is what they are doing now...

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He does a voice in an audio book, World War Z, by Max Brooks. Very good book about zombies.
He was in the 2000 film "What Woman Want" with Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt. He was the boss of the the advertising company which they worked for.
Alan was on "Parkinson" not long ago promoting his new book (autobiography). The title escapes me, but it sounds like a great read.
Appeared on "The Kumars at Number 42" (18 August 2006).
Katy Ingram
He appeared on the New Paul O'Grady Show yesterday (1 June 2006) promoting his latest book.
Katy Ingram
Was just nominated for a Tony award and was a presenter at the 2005 Tony Awards. Also does documentaries for Discovery Channel.
He's the Republican candidate for President on the NBC show "The West Wing" years 04/05
He was in The Aviator as a senator or something.
He also was in the new movie Avaitor with Leonardo Decaprio!!
Alan Alda has a major part as the corrupt Maine senator in Martin Scorseses "Aviator" starring Leanardo De Caprio. Alan and Cate Blanchet are the best things in it !
dennis woods
12/27/04--I don't know how recent any of this other info is, but he's in the brand new movie 'The Aviator' that's being released this month.
Will be seen in the new Scorsese film "The Aviator" with Leonardo Dicaprio playing senator Owen Brewster to Dicaprio's Howard Hughes.
Happened to see him in a small Broadway production about R.Feynman, two years ago in NYC.
he as been on ER a few times and many other shows, hes a good actor

ps. MASH rules!!!!!!!!!!

He's hosted that show, Scientific American Frontiers on PBS for 10 years...pretty intersting.
He played the vice president in the movie "Murder at 1600"
"Apparently he was in What Women Want last year, and he's in a new film called Club Land or something.

Thought you should know cause I used to be in love with him when i was about 10 and he was in M*A*S*H*"

"Still alive. still acting and hosting National Geographic specials here in the states. Looking much older now."
"He appeared in a couple of episodes of ER for a while-playing a doctor yet again"
"He also played Jennifer Annistons brother in law in the movie "Object of my affection""