What Happened To Ace of Base?

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Errr.... Who?

Scandanavian pop group - sang 'All that she wants'

This is what they are doing now...

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They will be releasing a new album in 2010, don't get excited though, it'll be under a different name with two different female singers, why bother?
Apparantly, Jenny Berggren of the band is responsible for bringing the word antipenultimate into the english language which is actually the third last of something and I would like to thank Jenny for this word which I use on an irregular basis but when used it is invaluable.
non amous
2007: The band started a tour in Europe. They've played in Russia, Lithuania, Estonia and Denmark so far mostly in small venues but they're sold out and they're planning their comeback in discography.

In 2008 they're gonna continue their tour, release a new single on February/March (possibly a new version of Wheel Of Fortune) a second one in May/early summer and a new album in September.

check aceofbasereturns.com, aceofbase.com, myspace.com/aceofbase or aceofbase.org
someone somewhere
Ace of Base are still recording as a band but are doing less promotion and releasing in some european and scandinavian countries, not worldwide. They had enormous success with their first album which proved very difficult to follow although they have gone on to have 3 further studio albums and a greatest hits album. Unlike many pop stars the four tend to live normal happy lives not always craving the spotlight but having interests outside the glow of public life. They were one of the first bands to work with Dennis Pop who wrote and produced some of the biggest hits for Britney, *Nsync, Five and many more.
They had an album released back in 2003 i think. Singles from the album included "beautiful morning", "Da Cappo", & "Unspeakable". Don't think they did much on the charts tho'
'All that she wants' is being re-released for 2004.
Didn't the woman from this band have a stroke or something?