What Happened To Shane West?

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Errr.... Who?

Movie actor

This is what they are doing now...

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he's ugly due to age i guess but i like him.. so so much..
The film is done in a respectful manner and Shane is fantastic... The film will be opening 9/26 at the Midtown Theater in Atlanta.
Pleeezzz....of course SW is gay. Dating a woman for two years? I've been married for 13 years and have two kids and I'm totally a homosexual bottom...go figure! The world, especially sexually, is not black or white, but shades of grey.
Prof. Queerity
Shane west is not gay and is in a long-term relationship with a woman by the name of Stephanie Smith. She's beautiful and a writer. They met two years ago at a reading?
Sherry williams
Shane west is so hot i JUST got done watching a walk to remember. i wish i was that girl so i could kiss him!
pmg shane west can not be gay he is so hot i love him uhh he plays on er and a walk to remember by the way getting that movie and he just canted be gay that is like so gay if he is that would be really sad for me cause i would cry and cry and be sad all the time
i really dont think hes gay.hes 2 sexy to be gay. if he is im gonna be so sad. hes really sexy and so is channing tatnum.
courtney,new york
shane west is so cute,i dont believe his a gay.but i like him.so hot.wow............
iv heard the shane west is gay .. is that true? cause that would be so sad for me lol i love him please tell me hes not gay 4 a fact
Channing Tatum is cuter then Shane...sry girls
hes on "ER" now playing a resident
he is doing E.R the hit tv series
why is he here?!hes not a hasbeen! Still in ER - a fully fledged doctor now.
he was also in the start of ocena's 11 when they are all playing poker!!
Jenny c
shane west is seeing some-one but won't tell us her name i don't no whether they are still goin out............ wish i was her whoever she is!
Shane is still dating Jenna Dewan (the lucky cow!) and he is still soooooooooo hot!!!
he was in the movies: A WALK TO REMEMBER, WHATEVER IT TAKES AND THE LEAGUE OF EXTRADOIRNARY GENTLEMEN. he's the hottest guy that ever lived and he was the hottest guy on the sitcom "once and again". he's a hot and sexy guy!!!!!!!
[email protected]
he was in the movie get over it in 2001. he's hot!
Shane West's real name is Shannon, he changed it when he moved to Los Angeles. He was last seen dating Jenna Dewan, but broke that off last spring....He will be in a new movie, playing a gay musical artist and also star in ER...as an intern....His first episode will premiere September 23, 2004....Watch for it!!!!
Shane West will join the regular cast of e.r. next fall (sept 2004)- episode 225- as new intern Ray Barnett. He'll come out in the season opener "One for the Road".
He was in "The League of Extraordinary Gentleman" with Sean Connery in 2003, where he played an older Tom Sawyer. He also has a band, Johnny Was, I think it's called, that he plays in.
"his still on once and again"
"He's in the movie A Walk To Remember, and also starring in a movie soon to be in theatres"
Detroit What