What Happened To Phil Cool?

Below is information other people have submitted about Phil Cool. If you have any other information, click here to add it.

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Errr.... Who?

Impressionist/Gurning Comedian

This is what they are doing now...

Please note that messages containing statements regarding individuals may be removed at the request of the individual in question.

I have just spent the afternoon in the company of Phil, we were both at a friend's BBQ where his son performed a acoustic musical set to the guests. Possibly the best afternoon of my life. Phil, his partner and son are the most beautiful people. You still have it Phil, an absolute pleasure to be in your company ❤❤❤
Steve Burrows
Just for info the BBC did not drop Phil. Phil left the BBC. Apart from the supportive comment the others are untrue. Nobody cares about a negative comment, it is water off a ducks back but making up stories is pretty lame.
The Dep
Phil Cool is one of the nicest people i have had the pleasure to meet, HE decided to retire, as he was getting on in years and was fed up with all the driving around and being away from home night after night, the drivel that others have posted are just that DRIVEL - and should be ignored.
"He lives near me in little village up north, id never heard of this man untill 3 years ago but im sure youd find him at the preston guild hall or someplace of that shittiness.
submitted by jay shoegazer"

jay shoegazer,
Don't you know how to use apostrophes and capital letters where necessary? Preston Guild Hall? I know it! That's the place where they have a sign up at the entrance that reads:
"Please be careful not to step in the jay shoegazer piece of shit!Thank you and welcome to Preston Guild Hall!"

Personally, I could never trust an asshole who uses a nick like 'jay shoegazer'!
I mean...what else could they be gazing at?
Makes you think.doesn't it?
its always sad the way this sort of person is left behind by the march of new technology and changing cultural climates. Cool isnt funny any more and there seems some desperation about trying to grab a folkie audience.
If he had have had any real talent beyond a few average impressions the BBC would have used him in other productions.
They fact that the Beeb dropped him ruthlessly shows he will always remain a glorified club turn.
tommo nicks
I saw him perform live at the Morecambe Dome last night (22/10/06) where he gave a two hour long show. His material hasn't changed much since the 90's and about 50% of the celebrities he impersonated are now dead, or forgotten. Nevertheless, quite entertaining.
John Marsden
Phil lives two doors away from me. He's a reclusive type and is likely to lash out if you speak to him.
Lawrence Delve
He's friends with my cousin. He's just made an amazing film called Upstaged. Look out for it soon.
He lives near me in little village up north, id never heard of this man untill 3 years ago but im sure youd find him at the preston guild hall or someplace of that shittiness.
jay shoegazer