What Happened To James Earl Jones?

Below is information other people have submitted about James Earl Jones. If you have any other information, click here to add it.

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Errr.... Who?

Voice of 'Mufassa' in 'Lion King'

This is what they are doing now...

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He recently did some voice over bits in tbe movie 'Click' with Adam Sandler and the BEAUTIFUL Kate Beckingsale
he was just recently (summer 06) in a show about thurgood marshall at the westport country playhouse in westport, connecticut. The show is supposed to be transfering to broadway within the next couple of years.
Was nominated for a 2005 Tony Award for his performance in the remake of "On Golden Pond". He unfortunately didn't win.
He plays Will Cleveland, ephram's piano teacher, in everwood and he played the voice box at the hardware store in robots.
Played a blind guy on Frasier once.
he lives right up the highway from me, he does alot of (too many) verizon commercials
he guest starred on NBC's Will & Grace, and he still doesn commercials...
"Last I heard, that he got an award down in Texas or something, but instead of his name, they put the guy that killed Martin Luther King Jr.'s name on it! HORRIBLE!"
blink chic
"c'mon everyone knows he's doing the yelloe pages commercials"
"He's once again about to do the voice of Darth Vader in Star Wars Epidode 3"