What Happened To Vanilla?

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Errr.... Who?

Had 2 top forty hits in the 90's then just vanished

This is what they are doing now...

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After they left EMI, they continued to tour and record for about 4 or 5 years.

In 2001 Alidia left and was replaced by Ashley.

In about 2002/2003 Francess and Ashley left the band, Francess joined a band called Northbound (which had original Vanilla member Alidia in for a short time). Alison and Sharon continued with Vanilla, both bands have since broken up & Sharon was last seen working in an office.
Vanilla Fan
roxy in eastenders wasnt in this band its girls@play she was in
ROXY IN EASTENDERS!!!! (the dodgy blonde lead singer is now an actress!)
perhaps they might make a come back just as the spice girls have, we can only hope that if theres any justice in the world the ground will open up and swallow them all up.
didn't thy sing no way no way mna mna not 2day!